Latest Report of Conclave Proceedings:
The Caledonian Conclave held a plenary session this Memorial Day weekend in order to conduct some rather important business. The most pressing matter on the agenda was to engage in an official tasting of the latest Conclave purchase: a bottle of The Dalmore Cigar Malt, whisky previously untested by this august body.
The unanimous opinion of the Conclave was that this is indeed an underrated single malt. A beautiful dark orange color and a unique sherryish aroma are its most striking features. A smooth round body and a surprisingly long finish (reminiscent of hot toffee) were an agreeable complement to a game of Go in which our own Bishop of Bowmore and Cardinal Cragganmore were then engaged.
As the evening wore on, it was decided that a small dram of Talisker would agreeably cap a productive session. The contrast between the smooth sherryish Dalmore and the peppery Talisker was striking. The Conclave closed its meeting agreeing that more detailed tasting notes for these and other malts should soon be posted here.