The Congregation of Saint Peat's has the function of promoting and safeguarding the true expression of the Spirit throughout the world. In accomplishing this purpose, it renders a service to the truth, by protecting the right of the people to receive the Spirit in its purity and entirety, free from corrupting heresies. Therefore, in order that the Spirit may be enjoyed free from adulteration, every Brother shall have the following duties:
I. In the first place, to love the Spirit with his entire heart, his entire soul, his entire strength.
II. To receive the Spirit in its purest expression, as the mystical combination of the elements of water, barley, and peat.
III. To shun the heresies that seek to dilute the Spirit and drown its true expression, masking its true strength.
IV. To share in the Spirit communally with his Brothers.
V. To not covet another Brother's Spirit, but to rejoice in the variety of its manifestations.
VI. To not bear false witness against any Spirit, but to honestly and fully bear witness to the True Spirit.
VII. To become a stranger to the ways of the false Spirit, known as "pure" or "blended" malt.
VIII. To receive the Spirit only in the presence of those nourishments which serve to magnify the wonder of its glorious gifts.
IX. To teach and convey the glory of the True Spirit to those who dwell in darkness.
X. To enjoy the Spirit with a good cigar.
Saint Peat the Indulgent
Monastery of Malt, A.D. DCLXVIII
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